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Fast Eddie Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Get ready to shake things up with the Fast Eddie drink recipe! This refreshing concoction features a can of beer and 6 ounces of tangy tomato juice for a thirst-quenching kick. Perfect for beginner bartenders and adults in the USA looking for a quick and easy drink to impress their guests. Mix it up and let the good times roll!

Fast Eddie Ingredients

Fast Eddie Recipe

  1. mix the ingredients together with ice
  2. prepare glass
  3. top up with Beer

The Bloody Mary - A Classic Cocktail That Stands the Test of Time

When it comes to classic cocktails, few drinks have stood the test of time quite like the Bloody Mary. This iconic drink has been popular for decades, and it's easy to see why. With its bold flavor and delicious mix of ingredients, the Bloody Mary is a drink that's perfect for any occasion.


History and Origins

The origins of the Bloody Mary are somewhat disputed, with several different stories circulating about how the drink came to be. Some say that it was invented in the 1920s by a bartender in Paris, while others claim that it originated in New York City in the 1930s. Regardless of its origins, the Bloody Mary has become a beloved classic cocktail that's enjoyed all over the world.

Famous For

One of the reasons that the Bloody Mary is so popular is that it's incredibly versatile. It can be enjoyed as a brunch-time cocktail, a pre-dinner drink, or even as a hangover cure. The bold flavors of the tomato juice and Worcestershire sauce make it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a savory, satisfying drink.


While the Bloody Mary is enjoyed all over the world, it's especially popular in the United States. It's a staple on many brunch menus, and it's often served at bars and restaurants across the country.


When it comes to appearance, the Bloody Mary is a true showstopper. It's typically served in a tall glass, and it's garnished with all sorts of delicious ingredients. From celery stalks to olives to bacon, the possibilities are endless when it comes to garnishing this classic cocktail.

Ingredient Roles

The Bloody Mary is made up of several key ingredients, each of which plays an important role in the overall flavor of the drink.


Vodka is the base spirit for the Bloody Mary, and it's what gives the drink its kick. When choosing a vodka for your Bloody Mary, it's important to choose a high-quality brand. Some popular brands to consider include Grey Goose, Tito's, and Absolut.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is what gives the Bloody Mary its signature flavor. When choosing a tomato juice for your drink, look for one that's made from high-quality, vine-ripened tomatoes. This will give your Bloody Mary a rich, full-bodied flavor.

Worcestershire Sauce

Worcestershire sauce is a key ingredient in the Bloody Mary, and it's what gives the drink its savory, umami flavor. When choosing a Worcestershire sauce, look for one that's made with natural ingredients and has no added preservatives.

Hot Sauce

Hot sauce is what gives the Bloody Mary its spicy kick. When choosing a hot sauce for your drink, consider using Tabasco, Cholula, or Frank's RedHot.


Horseradish is another key ingredient in the Bloody Mary, and it's what gives the drink its distinctive flavor. When choosing a horseradish for your drink, look for one that's made with fresh, grated horseradish.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is what gives the Bloody Mary its bright, citrusy flavor. When choosing a lemon juice for your drink, consider using fresh-squeezed lemon juice for the best flavor.

Salt and Pepper

Salt and pepper are used to season the Bloody Mary, and they help to bring out the flavors of the other ingredients. When seasoning your drink, be sure to taste it as you go to ensure that it's well-balanced.

How to Garnish

When it comes to garnishing a Bloody Mary, the possibilities are endless. Some popular garnishes to consider include:

  • Celery stalks
  • Olives
  • Pickles
  • Bacon
  • Shrimp
  • Lemon wedges
  • Lime wedges
  • Cherry tomatoes

To garnish your drink, simply skewer your chosen ingredients and place them on top of the drink. This will give your drink a beautiful, Instagram-worthy appearance.


One of the great things about the Bloody Mary is that it's incredibly versatile. There are countless variations on this classic cocktail, each with its own unique flavor profile. Here are just a few variations to consider:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

If you're looking for a non-alcoholic version of the Bloody Mary, simply omit the vodka from the recipe. You can still enjoy all of the delicious flavors of the drink without the alcohol.

Gluten-Free Version

To make a gluten-free Bloody Mary, simply use a gluten-free vodka and make sure that all of your other ingredients are also gluten-free. Some popular gluten-free vodka brands to consider include Tito's and Ciroc.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan Bloody Mary, simply omit any non-vegan ingredients from the recipe. This might include Worcestershire sauce (which often contains anchovies) and bacon (which is obviously not vegan).

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly Bloody Mary, simply use a low-carb tomato juice and make sure that all of your other ingredients are also low-carb. You may also want to consider using a sugar-free hot sauce.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie Bloody Mary, simply use a low-calorie tomato juice and omit any high-calorie garnishes like bacon. You can still enjoy all of the delicious flavors of the drink without packing on the pounds.

Common Mistakes When Making

While the Bloody Mary is a relatively simple cocktail to make, there are a few common mistakes that people often make. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don't overdo it on the horseradish. A little bit goes a long way, and too much can overpower the other flavors in the drink.
  • Don't forget to season your drink with salt and pepper. This will help to bring out the flavors of the other ingredients.
  • Don't use low-quality ingredients. The Bloody Mary is all about bold, satisfying flavors, so be sure to use high-quality ingredients to get the best results.
  • Don't skimp on the garnishes. The garnishes are what make the Bloody Mary such a visually stunning drink, so be sure to include plenty of them.

In conclusion, the Bloody Mary is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time for good reason. With its bold, savory flavors and endless garnish options, it's the perfect drink for any occasion. By following the tips and variations outlined above, you can enjoy a delicious, customized Bloody Mary that's perfectly suited to your taste. So go ahead and mix one up today - you won't be disappointed!

Ingredients for Fast Eddie Bloody Mary: 1 can Beer, 6 oz Tomato Juice

If you are going to order Fast Eddie in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Fast Eddie can be served with different ingredients in different places.